Thursday, October 30, 2008

Economy: Mortgage Crisis

So apparently congress is talking again about help for people who are looking at forfeiture.. and im sitting there thinking... what about everyone else? It isnt fair to bail some people out b/c they were foolish enough to buy more than they could afford.

What about...?
- People who are able to afford houses?
- People who have already been kicked out of their homes?
- How about first time home buyers, if they're going to shell out free money.. ill take some, thanks!

How about instead the banks extend the mortgages for the people who cant afford their homes? Lower the monthly cost, extend it from a 30 year to a 40 or 50 year mortgage and their tax returns automatically go to their mortgages that way they wont foolishly spend it on fast food or large screen tv's....? Extension would most likely raise the interest rates.. but the monthly costs would still be lower... Their credit scores would be red flagged so that companies would know that they cant handle the responsibility of credits/loans until they could fix their situation.. similar to the sexual offender lists except they cant get off of their lists after good behavior..

just my thoughts.. what do you think?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My time in Iowa 2008.

October 26th, 2008
03:53 am

Tonights weather: cold and very windy

Back in early July 2008, a co-worker invited me to come work with him and others over in the disaster areas of Iowa. I have always wanted to work or atleast volunteer in such an event but when I have tried before I was told that there was enough people already and then thanked me for the thought of helping. Now I have been here for four months working as an armed guard working at a FEMA site.

I work for a security corporation that is based out of Louisiana. They were able to get this contract in Iowa by piggybacking off of another company, Corporate Security Solutions (CSS), that is based from Michigan. The corporations received the contract from Federal Protective Services (FPS). Since my time here I have learned all about bidding for Federal contracts which I plan on getting into further in time.

Anyways, as I said I am working here as an armed guard. I was suppose to be policing the FEMA trailer parks over in Cedar Rapids which unfortunately things had changed. A guard that worked for CSS made the mistake of playing with his personal gun on a trailer park site. The gun accidentally fired off a round which went through his car door and landed into a mobile homes wall. The guard was fired and then all guards were banned from the trailer parks. So because of that one guy I have been guarding the trailer distribution center. I have been at this one site since early August, started working days when we were pushing twenty homes out a day. I have had to deal with a lot of citizens that want to see whats going on here. Everything from gawkers to mothers of daughters that CSS guards probably pregnated and are looking for the guy. As you can probably tell that CSS only hires the highest caliber of people.

Starting back on October 1st, I started working the nights by myself. Although I enjoy the quietness that the night provides besides the insecrts chirping and the wind swaying the trailers creating noise 8 - 12 hours a night can seem like an eternity.

The local news agencies have been on a witchhunt trying to get more money from FEMA or something like that. The initial and ongoing report is called, "Poisioned Promises", sounds extremely dramatic. I believe it was NBC that tested 20 trailers over in Cedar Rapids for fermeldahyde. Out of the 20, six were found to have a high level. Each house had families of four living since the start of it all here. Apparently it has flu-like symptoms and that humans can actually add to the levels due to lifestyles and chemicals that they leave indoors. After the news report came out, families that had trailers but werent tested were saying that they have gotten sick because of this. Even though that it is flu season already and that they may be looking for someone to blame. I feel bad for the people who really have gotten sick if it was from a trailer. It just seems a bit much to me. The governor even got into it and demanded FEMA retest all 542 of them.

I have four hours to go til the end of tonights shift and 11 days til I am done here in Iowa and will return home.


First entry in the, You Are Loved blog.

Please Leave any comments that you'd like to the desired blog entry.

You Are Loved, was just a thought that there is always going to be someone that loves you. If it is your parents, your sibings, your friends/relatives and god. There will always be someone to give you love and or support.